Tuesday, April 24, 2012


When  say culture  mean  that  culture is a totality  way  of life or as  everything  that  occur  in a society  all of  the  customs  and  practice  handed  down  from generation to generation. When we say  culture  is  everything  which  occur in  the society  mean the way people  lived in the  society  dressing,marriadge,brideprice,religion, food, housing, these are  things  which  represent  culture  in  the  society. Culture has their types the following are the types of culture this are
POPULAR  CULTURE; Is the culture of every one  in  a society or its  the culture World around us that is our attitudes, habits and  action how  we act  and why  we  act what we eat and  wear  our  buildings, roads and  means  of  travel our  entertainment  and sports  our  politics, our  religion  and  medics  practices  our  beliefs  and  activities.
ELITE CULTURE ; The elite  culture  is  sometimes referred to  as high  culture  during  the  middle  ages  a caste  system  kept  the culture  of  the elite  separate   from  the  folk culture. The  elite  culture  consisted  of  fine  art,  literature and  classic  music, folk culture consisted  of  street  carnivals  tavern drinking and  folktales. People who participate in the elite culture could also enjoy the culture although elite culture. Exit today  ordinary people  can at least   observer  some  of  it  on TV  shows  featuring the  British  royal  family  and  celebrities  such  as  American  developer  Donald  trump.    
MASS CULTURE; This  involved  to things in our popular  culture  that  are  mass   produced  or  shared  through  the  mass  media.  In  America  today that represents  almost  everything in  our  popular  culture that  isn’t either mass produced or promoted  in  the  mass  media  that  is  the   terms  in  mass            culture and  popular   culture  have   come  to be  used  almost  interchangeably.
Therefore  this  are   the culture  and their types  the people  should  know  who  created the  contents  for  the  culture  and  what  the  purpose  of  the  culture and  what  the  purpose  of  the  culture.


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